Poor Cat


Poor TortieGirl.
At the end of last week we noticed she was limping.

She’s still very shy and doesn’t want to be handled at all so we let her be, monitoring from a distance, hoping she had just jarred it.
By yesterday it was clear something was wrong, the lad was swollen and red so today she went to the vet.

She had a tumour on her paw and has had a toe amputated.
We’re hoping it isn’t malignant, we will know later this week.

So for now she’s under catery-arrest.
She has pain killers and she has to rest.

Dear sweet TubbyTabbyCat sat in the rain waiting for her while she was at the vets. In the end we had to lock him inside because he was drenched and wasn’t going to go in of his own accord until she had come home.

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